Every library seems to do it a little differently. Previously a mom-friend of mine posted a review on her library program (which she enjoys and still goes to) and I patiently waited for mine to start--that's right--so many people at my library wanted to attend that there was a lottery and you got placed in one session. I put my name in in August and our session started the last week of March. So here is my review:
Location: Forest Hill Library
Leader: Eve
Time: 10:15, Wednesdays
Session: Spring (6 weeks)
She gave an entire package the first week of class with all of the songs that we were going to do and some parent resource/info on how to read to your child and the importance of reading to your child. That was great.
Each child had a name tag that was shaped like a duck that they would proceed to chew on. Hint: pin it to the back of your child's shirt.
They have a great big room for these classes at the Forest Hill branch, so that was great. Stroller parking at the front entrance.
Every class was exactly the same, the songs/rhymes were the same each week. Repetition at this age is good. The leader is very enthusiastic, maybe too enthusiastic sometimes. But the babies would just stare at her with wide eyes--so she captivated their attention.
Every week she would "read" a few new books to the little ones. I have "read" in quotation marks as she actually just made up words or lyrics to go along with a book.
It's hard to keep infants attention when you are reading to them in a large group so usually the first book and sometimes the second book would go well...
The Waiting Game:
I thought it was really unfortunate that we could not have this free program for the whole year--or at least for longer than 6 weeks. If this location is so busy, I think that the TPL people should recommend another library in the area that might have drop-in times or a program that is not quite as busy. Or... maybe they could offer two classes per session. It's great to see kids at a library and fostering that interest when they are young is fabulous. I know there are limited resources but I truly believe that this is an area where if the interest is there, you should offer the program more often.
The leader:
She was a bit nuts but the kids were very interested in her. She did a puppet show on the last week and organized a "party". Obviously she loves what she does.
If your library is like mine and doesn't offer it right away ASK where the next closest library is that would offer a program that you can start attending right away. Apparently some programs are drop-ins, others run all year long and others do a sign up for each session separately. It's a free hour of entertainment and it gets you out to meet local moms.
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