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April 7, 2010

Toronto Zoo Membership

Toronto Zoo: 15% Discount on a Membership If You Buy Before April 30

If you've been debating a membership to the Toronto Zoo--here's a deal: Toronto Zoo memberships are 15% off if you buy before April 30, 2010!

For an individual, this brings the price down to $55.25 (from $65) and for a Single Family (1 adult and up to 4 children) it brings the price down to $89.25. For a family with two adults and up to four kids, the membership price is $114.75 (down from $135). These prices include GST. The discount is also available on two-year memberships.

I should tell you the actual admission cost without a membership:
General Admission (ages 13 - 6 $21.00
Senior (ages 65+) $15.00
Child (ages 4 - 12) $13.00
Child (ages 3 & younger) FREE

A Membership includes:
Free Admission to the Zoo for one full year (except December 25, when the Zoo is closed)
Free Zoomobile Rides
10% off at the Toronto Zoo Gift Shops
Occasional Coupon Offers for parking and refreshments
Discounted Admission to participating Zoos and Aquariums in North America
Discounts on Zoo programs, Bush Camp, and more

Toronto Zoo is a great place to walk around and a nice experience for the little ones. If you live close to the zoo, then it's definitely something to do!


  1. Great! Thanks for posting this! We were thinking of buying a membership and decided that we only need the 2 adult pass right now. Our daughter is free because she's under 3, so that's a very good deal.

  2. sounds like we should spend some time walking around the zoo together this summer Meghan! And for you being off this summer--totally worth going!

  3. At what age do you think a child starts to be interested in the zoo? We have thought about going but are not sure if it is too early? I guess a membership is a good idea because if your visit is cut short due to a cranky baby you don't feel like you just wasted your money :)
