Write your own review and email it to: moreformomblog@gmail.com

January 12, 2010

Class Review--Library Baby Time

I have asked some other moms to help me out with class reviews, so a lot of the reviews are completed by guest bloggers. The guest bloggers are moms who are currently living in Toronto. I am hoping to post a lot of class reviews to help all you moms out there research classes that are appropriate for you and your little one.
Comments on your own experience of these classes are also appreciated!

Baby Class Review

Class Name: Library Baby time – Mount Pleasant Branch of TPL

Date Attended: Fall 2009

Location of Class: Mount Pleasant Branch of TPL

Guest Blogger Name: Meg

Place an X beside the one that best describes your feelings

The course:
Met my Expectations X
Exceeded my Expectations
Did not meet my Expectations

The course:
Was good value for my money X (no cost)
Was not good value for my money

The times/locations of the course were:
Inconvenient X (2 pm – right in the middle of an afternoon nap time we were trying to establish at the time)

The course offered:
Excellent course materials X (had appropriate books and cds on display for us to easily sign-out)
No course materials
Adequate course materials
N/A for this type of course

The Instructor was:
Good X

Would you recommend this course:
Yes X (doing it again this term)


This course was exactly what I thought it would be. Nothing flashy – just rhymes and songs done together sitting in a circle. It was a good opportunity to meet some parents in the neighbourhood. The instructor also brought out toys to play with at the end and encouraged us to stay around and chat together after the formal part of the class was over. I also took out “Lullabies and Lap Rhymes” by Sally Jaeger and Erika Webster (http://www.merriweather.ca/albums.aspx?ID=31) at the time and renewed it 3 times. The library instructor used lots of these rhymes and it really helped to do them at home too. I highly recommend this CD – I need to buy my own copy. Sally and Erika also offer courses at Mabels Fables which I hope to look into, too!

1 comment:

  1. My class starts in the Spring at the Forest Hill Library and I am looking forward to it!
