Write your own review and email it to: moreformomblog@gmail.com

January 13, 2010

Class Review--Mom and Baby Weekly Series

Baby Class Review

Class Name: Mom and Baby Weekly Series

Date Attended: Summer 2009

Location of Class: Becoming Maternity Centre

Guest Blogger: ROE

Place an X beside the one that best describes your feelings

The course:
Met my Expectations X
Exceeded my Expectations
Did not meet my Expectations

The course:
Was good value for my money X
Was not good value for my money

The times/locations of the course were:
Convenient X

The course offered:
Excellent course materials
No course materials
Adequate course materials X
N/A for this type of course

The Instructor was:
Good X and friendly and nice and knowledgeable

Would you recommend this course:
Yes X


This course was a God-Send because it got me out of the house with my new baby. It became my reason to leave the house. When I started the class my little guy was only a few weeks old but I am so glad I did it right away because the instructors and guest speakers were there to answer my questions and guided me through this new un-chartered territory of motherhood.
The moms in our group arrived exhausted and with lists of questions and the leaders offered support and answers and (most importantly) a sympathetic smile.
The moms I met in this course have remained friends and recently a mom of a toddler told me that she still meets up with the moms she met in her Mom and Baby class.
I left every class with new information and tools that helped in our day to day activities with a new baby. It was basically "BABY 101".
I would recommend this class to all new moms.


  1. I second this review! This class was amazing. I think the earlier you go in your baby's life the better. It helps you to keep your sanity and meet other moms going through the exact same thing. I am so glad I took this class.

  2. I am so glad you did too! :)

  3. I LOVED this class at Becoming. My only regret is that I didn't know about it for my first baby. I could have saved hours of crying, fussing and frustration for both my son and me if I had known then what I know now. I recommend this class to all of my pregnant friends. I agree that taking the class as early as possible is a good thing. My daughter was 2 months old when we started and I could have used the information much sooner.
